Brief Explain How Can Food Aid be more Effective? (Nutrient Encouragement) - Fizah Mughees

If food aid is to be extra effectual, donors want to contemplate both the goals of the aid & its profitable inference. This is typically to a government transfer. Rather than else free food as such, recipient countries typically purchase the food with money borrowed at lower than market interest rates. food aid has often been used to dump of surfeit when food prices are low, and to prepare markets for future donor country exports. In fact, even speculation in a agricultural production was short term in nature, focused on importing fertilizer & seeds rather than agricultural research or institutional development. If long-period food security is to be implement there needs to be a careful balance between the multiple impartial of donors. For example, urgent situation food aid saves lives and limits nutritional stress in catastrophe. However, tying aid can pause what foods are available and late arrival continually stymie post-crisis agricultural upturn. Clay asks whether tying food aid matters. Most food aid channelled through the World Food Programm's  and non-governmental organization’s come 'in kind' and is sourced in the donor country. In the time of 2004 to 2005, Australia, Canada, Denmark & France moved to further untie their food aid. USA aid administrators are trying to change the law so the US government can finance some developing country food purchases for issuing in crisis situations. However, Congress has so far rejected such proposal’s.  The contributor of the relief to WFP and NGOs, it is essential that the USA achieves this policy change. Around 90% of global food aid was tied in 2002. This percentage fell to 74% in 2004 but remains at over 99% for the USA who favor tied food aid because it supports their farmers, food processors and USA-registered shipping. In impact, European donors buy most of their food aid in developing countries. How food aid can provide effective support to longer-term penury reduction and other development objectives. He answers the question & hence; "financial aid or cash is almost always the most effective & well_organized way of funding either food division or providing financial e-statement support. A contextual-particular  justification should always be provided for using food aid in preference to financial aid". Food aid is becoming more vaporous and pro-cyclical (least available when international prices are high). The increasing  supremacy given to the humanitarian crises means that some countries are excluded or marginalized. 


Food aid, world hunger, Population, Donner, Emergency food aid, Financial aid, World wide, mousseau, Domestically, Government, Problem aid, Economic devolopment, Poor countries, Organization, Crises.

Table of contents:

Major players in the food aid game
Problems with food aid
Types of food aid
Benefits of relief aid
Increasing costs & food aid
Food aid Still a political tool

Start from here:

  •Major players in the food aid game:

Food aid comprise over 20% of global aid flows in the 1960s, but is now less than 5%. Yet, it is still important because of the wide spread of world hunger and the increase in food emergencies in the past decade. The downfall of food aid, as well as how it is delivered and are used,  therefore of importance. Food aid started  in the 1950s with the US and together with Canada sitrep for over 90% of global food aid until the 1970s when the United Nations World Food Programmer (WFP) became a major player. The CSSD’s primary purpose is to make sure that food aid does not affect mercantile imports and local production in recipient countries. In effect, the CSSD make sure that food aid does not abolish trade. And so it is critizised for serving the interests of donors, because when accepting food aid, recipients commit to pay for imports of commercial food along with food aid. The WFP is the highest humanitarianism organization in the world and the most powerful UN organization active in most crises. The United Nations Food and Agriculture council (FAO)’s total operational budget was $386 million in 2003. By collation, the WFP’s workable budget was ten times more—$3.3 billion. The WFP is in a present time the largest humanitarian organization in the world. It handles 99 percent of multilateralism food aid, generally in partnership with NGOs and the government institutions, which are in charge of food distributions in recipient countries. In 2004, WFP food relief reached 89 million people worldwide. In- kind food aid from the US is the WFP’s main assets.

•Problem with a Food aid:

Some core problems that Mousseau identifies      with international food aid is that
It is a donor-driven system
It promotes domestic interests of donor  countries
It is a foreign policy tool
International institutions are driven by exporters
Development is not necessarily the objective
US shipping companies and NGOs and aid  council.
The collectively corporation, for example, benefit from the US 1985 Farm Bill which requires that at least 75 percent of US food aid be shipped by US vessels. Additionally, just four cargo forwarders handle 84 percent of the shipments of food aid from the US and a few shippers rely extensively on US food aid for their existence.
The negative assosiation between food aid flows and international cereal prices shows that the main driver of food aid remains the domestic support to farmers and agribusinesses interests rather than needs of the developing countries. Typically, food aid pass increases in periods of low prices and high level of food stocks in developed countries. Such aid can also be tied to harmful conditions, such as constructional adjustment policies. One of the ideas back to the policies such as Structural Adjustment for devoloping countries is to turn their agriculture sector into cash crops for export to earn foreign modify to import food and help to pay off debts. Program Food relief has helped with this although idioms such as development and helping the hungry are what makes media headlines. When these could have been objectives, such policies had another effect: creating new markets for rich countries to export their products. 

•Types of Food aid:

Also, 3 types of food aid:
Program Food Aid
Is a sequence of in-kind relief whereby food has grown in the donor country for distribution or sale abroad. 
Relief, or Emergency Food Aid
This is usually for emergency cases, such in cases of war, natural disasters, etc, where food is distributed for free. 
Project Food Aid
This is food relief delivered as a part of a specific project related to promoting agricultural or economic development, nutrition and food security, such as food for work and school feeding programs.

•Benefits of relief aid:

Relief aid results in more aid going directly to the relief organizations, rather than via governments who could reroute its use. This direct delivery can help with rapid responses.

•Increasing costs & Food aid:

More be attentive to bio fuel crops has contributed to increased crop value.
The value of the dollar has fallen remarkably.  When help the  emerging countries in their debt repayments, it increase the cost of food imports. 

•Food aid still a political tool:

Mousseau makes an interesting observation about US food aid policies still being used as a political tool.For example, shipments of food aid to Afghanistan and Iraq before the assault skyrocketed and was section of a media propaganda effort both domestically to US audiences & to foster support within those countries.

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