9+Reasons why So Many Data Science Projects Fail to Deliver - Fizah Mughees


More than 70% of data science projects fail and never deliver an ROI for the business. What’s behind the high failure rate and how can we change this? Many companies are unable to consistently gain business value from their investments in big data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. A study of the data science functions and initiatives in three of India's largest private-sector banks identified five obstacles to successful data science projects and suggests remedies that can help companies obtain more benefit from their data science investments.

data science

Data Science

The high failure rate

According to a recent Gartner report, only between 15% and 20% of data science projects get completed. Of those projects that did complete, CEOs say that only about 8% of them generate value. If these figures are accurate, then this would amount to an astonishing 2% success rate.80-85% of projects fail before completion. Then there is a further drop-off when organizations fail to implement the data scientists’ findings.

Possible causes of failure

On the business side,

1.    There is a top of data science on the business side, but that person struggled to get traction with the executives to bring in the changes recommended by the data scientists.

2.    The person who commissioned the project has moved on in the organization and their successor won’t champion the project because they won’t get credit for it.

3.    Communication has poor & down as the business stakeholders were too busy with day to day operations. Once stakeholders don’t have time to engage, it is very hard to rescue the project.

4.    All data science projects are long term& In that time the business may have changed direction or the executives may have lost patience waiting for an ROI.

5.    Although some stakeholders were busy, the executive whose sign off was needed was never interested in the project. This is often the case in large companies in conservative industries.

On the data science side,

6: The data scientist lost focus and spent too long experimenting with models as if they were in academia.

7: The data scientist wasn’t able to communicate their findings effectively to the right people.

8: The data scientist was chasing the wrong metric.

9: The data scientist didn’t have the right skills or tools for the problem.

On both sides,

10: the main objective of the project was knowledge transfer but it never transpire because the business was too busy or the data scientist had inadequate communication skills.

We want to structure the data science project effectively into a series of stages, so that engagement between the analytics team and the business does not break down.

·       Tool and technology mismatch.

IT departments have consumed the last decade-plus building a big data infrastructure to support data storage and processing – but that infrastructure doesn’t necessarily lend itself to data science. Data scientists can use as many as 3-5 different tools or packages monthly, leveraging the latest packages consistently. There were over 365,000 updates to the popular open-source programming language Python in 2017 alone! Furthermore, data science work demands access to elastic compute to perform specific experiments, like deep learning that requires powerful machines with GPUs. Lacking access to elastic compute and the latest tools limits your team’s agility,  constrains the pace of research - and results in delayed development. 

·       Solving the Wrong Problem

Ever started a project with a fuzzy idea of the goal? Or alternatively, a project with a clearly defined goal that is not realistic or that does not add any meaningful value?

Indeed, Domino Data Labs reports that “We’ve seen large organizations hire 30+ PhDs without clear business alignment upfront.


To mitigate this risk, start your project on the right foot and ask the right questions before starting a project. Don’t just take any request at face value.

·       Silos of knowledge

Hiring data scientists does not guarantee that your organization will profit from data science. A recurring theme is that data scientists working on individual laptops or other solo environments often duplicate efforts. They don’t have visibility into what work has been done by others that they could benefit from. One major insurance company, for instance, had dozens of scientists working in uncoordinated ways on the same business problems — leading to lost investment and missed opportunities. There’s a difference, in other words, between having a collection of individuals who create models, and having a dynamic team capable of leveraging its collective knowledge, skills and past work to collaboratively build better and better models with faster time to value.


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