Do You Know About SEO? - Fizah Mughees

 SEO( Search Engine Optimization). In simple terms, the process of improving your site to increase its clarity for applicable research. The better range of version your pages in search results. More likely you are to attract and existing customers to your business. 

Search engines like Google and Bingo use the sites to creep pages on the web, moving from one site to another site to collect information about those pages and place them in an index.

The world of search engine optimisation is system and ever changing, but you can easily understand the importance and even minor knowledge of SEO can make a major difference. 

Working of SEO:

The SEO is search ranking factor can be regarded that proxies for aspects of user experience. Our table SEO factors assemble the factor into six main categories and each build on overall importance of SEO

For example, content quality are the key factors of crawling, content optimization and mobile friendliness are important site architecture factor.

The algorithm are designed to authoritative pages, surface relevant and provide user with an great search experience. Improve your content and site with these factors in mind can help your site rank higher in the search results. 

Unlike search paid ads, you cannot pay search engines to get high organic search ranking. 

seo working

Working on SEO

Search Engine Land’s Guide To SEO:


As the associate to our Periodic Table of SEO Factors, search engine land’s guide to walk you via the fundamental of search engine optimisation for search so you can develop a great technique to organic traffic to your page.

In the guide below,  we explain factor or SEO in more depth from experts that will help your site get more traffic from organic search. 


·         Type Of Search Engine Factor: These are the off -and- on factors that can effect your ranking. 

·         Content and Search Engine Factors:To create high- quality content keep these element in mind that search your target audience will love.

·         HTML code and Search Engine Factors: HTML code tags help organise information on your site and help search engines to understand your content. 

·         Site Architecture and Search Engine:  Factors: Let’s go behind scenes and lock the aspects of your page that make easily for search engines to influence user experience.

Search  Engine Land’s SEO Library:

 In addition to cover SEO generally, Search Engine land also search Engine optimization area for the primary search engine 

 Also our library is how to SEO sections devoted to practical tips about search engines optimization. 

We have sub categories including:

·         SEO: General 

·         SEO:Writing 

·         SEO: Crawling

·         SEO:Domains

·         SEO:Duplicate content 

·         SEO:Link Building 

·         SEO:Title 

·         SEO:Description 

·         SEO:Content 

·         SEO:Robots

·         SEO:URLs

·         SEO:Moving sites 

·         SEO:Submitted URLs

·         SEO:Site maps 

We also including topics  an ongoing SEO For Developer and Technical SEO

link building

  How can i learn SEO?

 The helpful dive into SEO,  our Periodic Table of SEO Factors will help you to know all the key concepts,  including the elements that good on-page and off- pages SEO

 The table also look at the emerged verticals of search 


·         Local search 

·         Voice search 

·         Images search 

·         Video search 

 The Periodic Table of SEO Factors are the foundation of this guide of SEO. These factors will help you learn about SEO and make strategies for success. 


SEO Factor


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